KG Rickhamre
KG has since the start of Coast Communications, which he leads, been responsible for the communication in several major crises, mergers & acquisitions, as well as carried out more than 400 media trainings and positioning Perception Management sessions for both large listed companies and fast-growing start-ups and government. Before that he granted 12 years of experience as an editor, finance reporter and correspondent with nationwide television SVT Rapport, SR Ekonomiekot and Dow Jones international finance television in London and Brussels as well as director corporate communications with Burson Marsteller.
P: +46 709 549 109

Ulrika Andersson
Regardless of whether your company needs ongoing support in brand building, PR & communications or has found itself in an urgent situation that requires crisis support, Ulrika has the experience, knowledge, and access to methodology and team needed to offer you and your organisation the best support. Ulrika has a strong customer focus and enhances communications to reach your company’s business goals. She has extensive experience from heading the communications function at Nasdaq Nordic, Salesforce Nordic & Benelux, GE, and TietoEvry.
T: +46 72 99 47 48

Martin Källström
Martin is elegant and compelling in writing, still with focus on facts when he describes services and goods in sectors such as care, technology, research, digitization, energy and sustainability. He is appreciated and sought-after as a writer by both companies, authorities and NGO:s. Martin’s speciality is to develop the narrative around products and services in order for the message to spread and generate as much impact as possible among key target groups. Martin has a degree from Berghs School of Communication in Stockholm and has experience from both the world of advertising and communications agencies.
P: +46 73 355 06 73

Elma Sabanovic
P: +46 723 18 49 49

Per Skärgård
Per provides strong senior advising within financial communications. For 16 years, he has been CFO of the stock market listed Nobina Group with annual net sales over SEK 10 billion. Per is a leading expert in M&A:s, IPO:s, share and bond emissions, annual reports, turn-around cases and financing. He has several years of international experience in financial leadership in entrepreneurial activities in the telecom and consumer products sectors. Coast has collaborated with Per in various forms since the start of the company.
T: +46 70 770 48 00

Ulrica Franzén
Ulrica has extensive experience of leadership in change management in both the private and public sectors. She is happy to share her deep insights and experiences in communications within health care. Ulrica has held senior positions in the Swedish business sector for 26 years and served for several years as director of communications within the Stockholm County Council (Region Stockholm) and communication strategist in SKR. Region Stockholm is responsible for all publicly financed healthcare in Stockholm County.
T: +46 76 102 60 70

Andreas Tollefsen
Andreas is settled in rural and beautiful Värmland in the western parts of Sweden were he conducts advising for Coast’s clients. He is appreciated for his sharp analyses based on experience and his merits within corporate communications and media relations in Norway and Sweden. Andreas draws on knowledge from 20 years as a successful leader and owner of a PR agency in Oslo, Norway as well as liable for market communications for Bosch in Sweden. During the period 2004-2020 he headed Coast’s network agency in Norway.
T: +47 930 93 574

Agnes Almkvist
Highly efficient communication specialist in the final year of studies in Strategic Communication and Digital Media at Lund University and Manchester Metropolitan University, UK.
T: +46 703 424 4233

Bengt Thorn
Bengt Thorn is the founder of advertising agency Thorn. Via Thorn Coast is capable of providing full service in production of fashionable graphic design, campaigning, digital production, print and buying of advertorial space.
P: +46 76 878 61 63

Kristin Weber

Christina Rytter

Olli Ollila
Coast Communications in Stockholm has been a Nordic hub and a full-service member of:
- Public Relations Global Network from 2006 to 2023
- European on Line from 2001 to 2005
As a result, our agency has gained local expertise accessible worldwide. Please feel free to contact any of our previous network partners through Coast Communications in Stockholm or visit their websites directly. Through our international clients, we also have other networks that we operate with within areas such as Investor Relations and Public Affairs. During a contact, we can clarify the support your organisation needs internationally.
Adverum – Vilnius, Lithuania
accelent communications – Vienna, Austria
Alexander PR – Auckland, New Zealand
Aristo Communications – Istanbul, Turkey
Athenora Consulting – Brussels, Belgium
Bianchi Public Relations, Inc. – Detroit, Michigan (USA)
Buchanan Public Relations – Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (USA)
Cabinet Privé de Conseils, S.A. – Geneva & Bern, Switzerland
The Castle Group – Atlanta, Georgia & Boston, Massachusetts (USA)
Coast Communications – Stockholm, Sweden
cometis AG – Wiesbaden, Germany
Cullen Communications – Dublin, Ireland
Currie – Melbourne, Australia
Eje Comunicación – Mexico City, Mexico
Evident P.R. – Amersfoort, Netherlands
Fearey – Seattle, Washington (USA)
Free Communication – Bucharest, Romania
Ghidotti – Little Rock, Arkansas (USA)
Global. – Lisbon, Portugal
HMA Public Relations – Phoenix, Arizona (USA)
The Hoyt Organization, Inc. – Greater Los Angeles Area, California (USA)
HWB Communications – Cape Town, South Africa
IDENTIA / PR – Buenos Aires, Argentina
Industrie-Contact – Hamburg, Germany
Three Box Strategic Communications – Dallas, Texas (USA)
Integrate Communications – Tokyo, Japan
KAMIR – Tel Aviv, Israel
Kreps PR & Marketing – Fort Lauderdale, Miami & West Palm Beach, Florida (USA)
L.C. Williams & Associates – Chicago, Illinois (USA)
Landis Communications Inc. (LCI) – San Francisco & Silicon Valley, California (USA)
LBS Communications Consulting Ltd – Hong Kong, China
Media Profile Inc. – Toronto, Ontario (Canada)
Mileage Communications – Singapore
NettResults Middle East – Abu Dhabi & Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Jeddah & Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Novitas Communications – Denver, Colorado (USA)
OneMulti – Warsaw, Poland
Peritus PR – Birmingham, Alabama (USA)
Perspective Strategies – Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
PRGarage – Madrid, Spain
Race Communications – Goiás, Rio de Janeiro & São Paulo, Brazil
REED Public Relations – Nashville, Tennessee (USA)
ROOP & CO. – Cleveland, Ohio (USA)
RumboCierto Comunicaciones – Santiago de Chile, Chile
S&A Communications – Raleigh Durham, North Carolina (USA)
Scandinavian Communications – Copenhagen, Denmark
Sound Public Relations – Milan, Italy
Southard Communications – New York City, New York (USA)
Spider – London, UK
Two Cents – Brussels, Belgium
Xenophon Strategies, Inc. – Washington, DC (USA)